Welcome back to reality – FAU style. As we started the New Year, we received the good news that the State of Florida has finally recognized the legality of same-sex marriages. That means that everyone will now be able to have partner benefits. What a concept!!!

On a less positive note, we’re awaiting the verdict from the Board of Governors (BOG) on where FAU stands with regard to their arbitrary and shifting metrics. As you know, we were docked some $7 million last year and we’re still hoping to get it all back based on our demonstrated improvements. This has obvious importance for everyone at FAU especially when Administration is intent on using these monies as the basis for raises – or as a reason to deny them! We have consistently argued that faculty salaries badly need to be increased regardless of these penalties. There needs to be a plan to raise our salaries independent of what the state gives us. There needs to be a reallocation of resources.
We see this as an issue of priorities; nothing more, nothing less. When asked at Faculty Senate if there was a plan to raise faculty salaries in the event of cuts by the BOG, the Provost responded there had been no discussion. When the President first spoke to the Senate, faculty salaries was one of his stated priorities. Recently, it’s been very, very quiet on that front.