FL Senate Committee on Higher Education Appropriations

To Chapter Presidents from Ed Mitchell

Every year, the Senate Committees on Education PreK-12 Appropriations and Higher Education Appropriations release a report that summarizes the recent legislative decisions affecting education funding.  The report also provides great summary information and perspective for leaders and planners who need information regarding state and district finances. As the committees involved would suggest, there is good information available for Higher Education as well.

The topics include:

    • Statewide Legislative AppropriationsEducation Legislative Appropriations

      Education Legislative Appropriations with Local Revenue

      Funding Decisions

      Major Funding Decisions for Operations and Fixed Capital Outlay

      School District Change in FTE Students, Total Funds, and Funds per FTE Comparison with FY 2008-09

      School District Funding Summaries, Comparison with FY 2008-2009

      American Recovery and Reinvestment Act School District Allocations

      School District Workforce Education Allocations

      School District Fixed Capital Outlay Allocations

      Public Schools History: FTE Students, Total Funds, Class Size

      Reduction Funds, District Cost Differential (DCD), and Teacher Salaries

      Funding Formula Description and Terminology

      Community Colleges FY 2009-10 Funding Decisions, Summary of Operating Appropriations to the Colleges, and Fixed Capital Outlay Allocations

      Universities FY 2009-10 Funding Decisions, Summary of Appropriations to the State University System, Funding Report for Each University by Issue, and Fixed Capital Outlay Allocations

      Financial Aid Summary of Student Financial Assistance Programs Appropriations

The report runs 153 pages.  The state summary information begins the report and the individual  district pages can be accessed further in the report. You can view and print pages from this site: http://www.flsenate.gov/Data/Committees/Senate/EA/EducationFunding2009-2010.pdf

I hope you find this document useful.

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