SB-6 in the News

March 17, 2010. Florida Senate bill to measure “teacher performance” and eliminate job security receives wide coverage and commentary, Emblematic of national campaign against public school teachers

Thrasher bill: Merit pay plan is unrealistic

Florida Times-Union – ‎3 hours ago‎

The talk of tenure in the article is inane. The term “tenure” may apply to professors at colleges and universities, but it does not apply to teachers in the …

Mark Wilson: Teacher performance pay makes good sense

The News-Press – ‎March 16, 2010

This bill calls for changes to Florida’s outdated teacher tenure system and for teacher evaluation methodologies based primarily on student achievement …

Performance is hard to measure – ‎March 16, 2010

John Thrasher’s premise that the tenure system has allowed some teachers to keep their jobs despite their inability to teach. …

Florida bill ties teachers’ wages to student performance instead of tenure – Shannon Colavecchio, Hannah Sampson – ‎Mar 15, 2010‎

The plan would eliminate “professional services” contracts — what some people informally call tenure — and tie half of teachers’ pay to student performance …

Area school leaders share mixed reviews about proposed Senate bills

Naples Daily News – Katherine Albers, Leslie Williams – ‎Mar 14, 2010‎

In addition, protections for teachers often called tenure would be replaced by a continuing series of annual contracts. Sen. Garrett Richter, R-Naples, …

John Thrasher: Florida teachers must demand better results

Florida Times-Union – ‎Mar 11, 2010‎

Instead of accepting the status quo, I believe Florida’s schools can and must do better. Last year, 99.7 percent of teachers in the state earned a …

Bill would tie teacher pay to performance, student test scores

Sun-Sentinel – Josh Hafenbrack, Kathy Bushouse – ‎Mar 10, 2010‎

Florida’s Republican-led Legislature is advancing a proposal to do just that, and gut seniority-based teacher tenure that’s been around for decades. …

Teacher accountablity measure passes first hurdle

Florida Times-Union – Brandon Larrabee – ‎Mar 10, 2010‎

It would also dismantle teacher tenure in the three counties, including Duval, where it exists as well as other employment protections in other parts of the …

Removing Chronically Ineffective Teachers

Center For American Progress – Robin Chait – ‎Mar 10, 2010‎

State laws should allow only one appeal for tenured teachers who are dismissed based on poor performance. It is extremely costly for districts to have to …

Legislative battle over school reform begins tomorrow – ‎Mar 9, 2010‎

It also does away with tenure. Florida, which has seen public school improvements over the past 10 years, was one of the 16 finalists in Phase 1 of Race to …

Fla. bill requires teacher merit pay or funding cuts

Bradenton Herald – Bill Kaczor – ‎Mar 8, 2010‎

The head of Florida’s statewide teachers union says it’s more like a “nuclear weapon.” It’s a provision in a wide-ranging teacher quality bill penalizing …

Collier superintendent calls state bill requiring merit pay for teachers a …

Naples Daily News – Katherine Albers – ‎Mar 8, 2010‎

… teachers often called tenure would be replaced by a continuing series of annual contracts. The bill was called a “nuclear weapon” by Florida Education …

Should Teacher Salary Be Based On Test Scores?

Central Florida News 13 – Troy Kinsey – ‎Mar 8, 2010‎

He’s backing the bill because of another provision that would do away with teacher tenure. It wouldn’t matter how long you’ve worked or how many degrees you …

Teachers have their say!

Orlando Sentinel (blog) – mike thomas – ‎Mar 8, 2010‎

As a 6th grade teacher in Florida I was appalled by your article. I was already well aware of the changes coming for this profession, but the fact that you …

Teacher Fight Looming

Capitol News Service – Mike Vasilinda – ‎Mar 8, 2010‎

Florida teachers are up in arms over legislation buried deep within a sixty-one page bill that references child abuse. The legislation makes drastic changes …

FEA, teachers: Tenure/merit pay bill will be “ruin of education” (blog) – ‎Mar 8, 2010‎

Charlie Crist recently said that Florida is truly blessed to have such high-quality teachers,” FEA president Andy Ford said. …

Report: Florida, Collier fire more new teachers than national average

Naples Daily News – Katherine Albers, Leslie Williams Hale – ‎Mar 7, 2010‎

But the report, titled “Ringing the Bell for K-12 Teacher Tenure Reform,” singles out Florida as one state in which attempted tenure reform has failed. …

Reforms will break mold for teachers’ jobs

Orlando Sentinel – Mike Thomas – ‎Mar 6, 2010‎

And their arch-enemies, the teacher unions, are the focus of the reforms. Gone will be teacher tenure and the job security it provides. …

Thrasher: Time to Base Teacher Pay on Performance

The Jacksonville Observer – ‎Mar 4, 2010‎

Frederica Wilson, D-Miami, one of those two Democrats, warned that if the state takes away teacher tenure-based pay, teachers will leave the state for more …

Teachers under state’s gun

Palm Beach Post – ‎Mar 5, 2010‎

Bills in the Legislature — including one by new Florida GOP Chairman/Sen. John Thrasher — would impose the no-tenure rules. So the threat isn’t a pistol to …

Saturday letters: University tenure deserves to get more scrutiny – ‎Mar 5, 2010‎

One version, by professor of journalism William McKeen, at the University of Florida, provides considerable damning evidence that the state of tenure as …

Local union rep opposes teacher performance bill

Tampa Tribune – Jeff Schmucker – ‎Mar 4, 2010‎

An area teachers’ union representative plans to fight a Florida State Senate proposal to tie teacher pay and tenure with student …

Tenure reforms should focus on incentives, not punishments – ‎Mar 3, 2010‎

To improve public schools, Florida needs to make it easier to fire bad teachers and reward the effective ones. But the Republican-led Legislature needs to …

Charlie’s last State of the State, Fla. Republicans looking to end teacher …

Creative Loafing Tampa (blog) – Mitch Perry – ‎Mar 3, 2010‎

Last night Governor Charlie Crist delivered his final State of the State Address. How is Marco Rubio handling it? His press people are issuing out newspaper …

GOP legislators file bills radically altering teacher tenure protections – ‎Mar 2, 2010‎

Florida Education Association general counsel Ron Meyer said moves to revamp teacher tenure would make it “impossible for any district to hire teachers” …

School bills would lead to dramatic changes

Orlando Sentinel – Leslie Postal – ‎Mar 2, 2010‎

The first would force Florida school districts to develop merit-pay plans for teachers — or risk losing state money. The bill, sponsored by Sen. …

Leslie Postal filed this post on her blog, Sentinel

Orlando Sentinel – ‎Mar 2, 2010‎

A Senate bill filed yesterday would force Florida school districts to develop merit-pay plans for teachers — or risk losing state money. …

Tenure protects due process on campus – Sherman Dorn – ‎Feb 25, 2010‎

Without revenue to replace federal stimulus dollars, Florida’s school districts will lay off thousands of teachers in the next 18 months

No (Tenured) Teacher Left Behind

Wall Street Journal – ‎Feb 21, 2010‎

Starting next year, teachers in Houston can lose their jobs if students fall short on standardized tests. Florida and Louisiana have moved to strike last-in …

Merit pay can work for state and for teachers

Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog) – Maureen Downey – ‎Feb 21, 2010‎

I have seen great teachers be forced from this profession for personal vendettas- remove what little “tenure” rights some have and attach student …

State of education

Sarasota Herald-Tribune – ‎Feb 20, 2010‎

Meanwhile, a state constitutional amendment requiring small class sizes could cost Florida public schools an extra $350 million for more teachers, …

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