Urge Florida Legislators to Stop Planning More Budget Cuts for Higher Ed and Oppose Reduction of Pension Benefits

March 30, 2010. At present 28 bills being considered by Florida legislators would CUT faculty pension benefits. Most every one reduces benefits in FRS.

March 30, 2010

Dear Colleague:

Contact legislators now! Urge them to stop planning more budget cuts for higher education, to oppose any reduction of pension benefits, and to stop attacks on teachers and colleges of education.

Both houses are planning more cuts for us. Point out that Florida has cut higher education a total of 22% in the last three years (more than any other state, including California, Nevada, and Michigan where unemployment is worse than in Florida). This is happening in spite of an emerging consensus in Florida that investing in higher education is the only way to create a knowledge-based economy that is less vulnerable to severe recessions.

There are now 28 bills under consideration that would cut faculty pension benefits. All but one reduces benefits in the Florida Retirement System (FRS). The remaining one imposes a payroll tax on anyone eligible for a pension. Some of them lower the state contribution to any plan. Yet another bill ends the health insurance subsidy (HIS) for FRS retirees.

SB 6 passed the Senate. The same bill could come to a final vote as early as Thursday in the House (HB 7189). These bills abolish tenure for teachers, end salary raises for advanced degrees, and radically cut budgets for colleges of education. They are an attack on professionalism in K-12 education — firing teachers at will without regard for credentials or academic freedom. They force teachers to be evaluated and retained only if teachers increase student test scores.  If these bills pass, higher education is next.

Call legislators now and leave a brief message:  (1) Vote against more cuts in higher education; (2) Oppose bills that reduce pension benefits; and (3) Vote against HB 7189.


Tom Auxter,

President, United Faculty of Florida

Contact legislative leaders today

Senate Contact

·       Senate President Jeff Atwater

§       Capitol Office 850-487-5229

§       District Office 561-625-5101

§       Email jeff.atwater@flsenate.gov

    • House Contact

·       House Speaker Larry Cretul

§       Capitol Office 850-488-1450

§       District Office 352-873-6564

§       Email larry.cretul@myfloridahouse.gov

To find your legislator, go to:

www.myfloridahouse.gov or   www.flsenate.gov

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