June 8, 2010. After third successive year of declaring impasse Broward Trustees take aim at academic freedom, co-governance, fair faculty evaluation process, “The special meeting was just one battle in a bigger war,” UFF-BC President says.

Chapter Presidents,

I would also like to thank the FAU and FIU chapters for sending members from their chapters to support our efforts at the meeting yesterday.  They participated in solidarity along with us every step of the way.  Thank you!

Damon Davis

President, UFF-Broward

From: _UFF [mailto:uff@floridaea.org]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 10:29 AM
To: _UFF
Subject: Broward College – Legislative Body Hearing

To UFF Chapter Presidents,

The message below is from UFF-Broward President Damon Davis to his members. This is the third year in a row that the Broward –BOT has declared impasse.

Good Morning UFF-Broward Members,

The Board of Trustee (BOT) voted unanimously (4-0) against the Special Magistrate’s Recommendations at yesterday’s special meeting.  The vote was decided within 2 minutes and without discussion between board members regarding any points relevant to the arguments made at the meeting.    However, I would like to inform each of you that our team was well prepared and presented a solid case before the BOT on your behalf.  We had over 50 faculty members attend the meeting.  We set up a table in the lobby with signs and materials educating the general public on the issues before the BOT.  Also, faculty present held a silent picket demonstration 30 minutes before the meeting on Las Olas Blvd outside of the Tower Building.  Also, we video taped the meeting and we will show the video in the near future.  Finally, Faculty attended the meeting wearing “Kiss Your Rights Goodbye,” shirts!

The above activities showed our solidarity as a faculty.  It sent a message that we value our contract and the rights bargained within it over the past 30years.  It shows our commitment to the following:

Past Practice

Academic Freedom

Faculty Evaluations

Personnel Records

The Grievance Process


I don’t know about you, but the list above is vitally important to me as a faculty member.  They mean more to me than anything else the administration can offer.  They are the foundation leading to your classes/office,  your profession, and the knowledge shared in an academic environment.  They are worth putting everything on the line for and we have nothing without them!! The special meeting was just one battle in a bigger war.  We need all of you to join in with us as we move forward with this war.  We will share more information with you in the near future regarding this process.  Also, we will be asking for your help.

In closing, I would like to thank Dr. Daniel Rieger (Chief Negotiator) who performed brilliantly on our behalf at the special meeting and our entire team (Dr. Blaine Browne, Maria Bernal-Dobek, Alan Applebaum, Bruce Nissen).  They represented us well.  Also, I would like to thank all of the faculty who attended the meeting.  Your show of support was encouraging.  Finally, to our Executive Council members who worked around the clock assisting our negotiation team throughout this process.  We owe a great deal to these individuals for their  time, commitment, and dedication.  Thank you!

In Solidarity,

Damon Davis

President, UFF-Broward