November 5, 2010. Where to find criteria for fairly and accurately determining faculty raises

Some college committees established to determine market equity and merit portions of raises are experiencing problems in terms of determining the market equity portion. Please note that over past years there have been criteria drawn up for fairly and accurately allocating salary adjustments to faculty bargaining unit members in each of FAU’s Colleges. The office of each of the College’s deans should be in possession of such criteria and should share this with all committees calculating market equity adjustments. (Because we have not had merit or market equity raises in quite some time, if the deanship of your college has changed in the past few years it may be necessary to check with former administrators and/or senior colleagues.) For example, the College of Arts and Letters developed a calculative apparatus several years ago that is especially useful since it employs an algorhythm which addresses more complicated calculations, the most important of which is salary compression (“the longer your stay, the less your pay” phenomenon whereby the longer one is a faculty member at FAU, the less their salary relative to colleagues employed at peer institutions).

Please email UFF-FAU President James Tracy at jamestrcy(at) if you may have additional questions concerning the above.