On August 9, 2018, representatives of the BOT and UFF-FAU met to discuss:
Article 23 (Salaries)
The BOT presented a counter to UFF-FAU’s latest offer (which was 2% cost of living, 1% university merit, no tie to metrics rankings).

The BOT offer for FAU In-Unit faculty:

  University Merit Increase Increase contingent on FAU metric ranking in top 8
FY 18-19 1.25% 0.25%
FY 19-20 1.25% 0.25%
FY 20-21 1.25% 0.25%

In addition to the above, the BOT accepted our proposal of raising the minimum base salary of Senior Instructor to $45,000.

The BOT offer for FAUS faculty:

Merit Increase for Annual Faculty on the Performance Salary Schedule
  Increase contingent on FAU metric ranking in top 8
Overall Performance Rating 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21  
Highly Effective 1.25% 1.25% 1.255 0.25%
Effective 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.25%


Merit Increase for Permanent Faculty on the Grandfathered Salary Schedule
  Increase contingent on FAU metric ranking in top 8
Overall Performance Rating 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21  
Highly Effective 1.24% 1.24% 1.24% 0.25%
Effective 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.25%

The BOT asserts that the basis of their continued insistence on tying compensation to the metrics is that faculty impact the metrics. We challenged the validly of the metrics and showed that faculty only potentially impact two of the metrics: graduation rate, and retention. However, it’s not clear to us, other than lowering our standards and just giving all students higher grades, how we could improve our performance in these metrics either.

Dr. Herbst, FAUS Superintendent, acknowledged that the K-8 FAUS students do not impact metrics. The BOT’s reason for including metrics in FAUS salary calculations is the presence of 9th grade FAU High School students. We questioned the logic (or lack thereof) in that assertion.

Context – To put our negotiations in perspective, below are three recently ratified contracts:

FSU 0.75% performance 2018-19
  0.85% Dept. merit  
  0.15% Dean’s merit  
UCF 2.25% increase 2017-18
  $1500 bonus  
FIU 1% retention 2016-17
  0.5% merit 2016-18

Article 3 (FAU Chapter UFF Privileges)
The BOT agreed to increase release time for UFF-FAU officers to 3-3-1 for Fall, Spring, and Summer, respectively. However, they would not Tentatively Agree (TA) to the change until Article 23 is TAed. The BOT argues that Article 3 represents a concession on their part that amounts to an economic impact. Therefore, they argue it should be tied to Article 23. We have concerns about this move because, while it may be legal, this assertion is questionable at best. Furthermore, we’re not about to compromise the best interests of the faculty at FAU in exchange for release time for a few individuals.

Article 11 (Evaluation File)
The article was discussed, and it was agreed to meet again and work together to craft new language.

The next bargaining session is scheduled for Friday, Aug. 24th, 2-5 p.m. in AD 351.
Bargaining sessions are open to the public; UFF-FAU members are welcome to attend.

In solidarity,
Robert Zoeller, Lead Negotiator
Kathleen Moorhead
Meredith Mountford
Tzeitel Rosado
Debra Vance Noelk