Dear Colleague

As you know, FAU ranked #1 during this year’s Board of Governor’s metrics scramble. After placing near the bottom two years ago, FAU moved up to secure $11.6 million in performance funding last year. We don’t know how much we’ll get this year, but it promises to be a much larger sum. In his e-mail to the FAU community, President Kelly states “It is impossible for me to name everyone who played a part in this incredible turnaround, because you all are responsible. I want to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for all you do in your passionate pursuit of excellence for this great university.” One way in which President Kelly can express such thanks in concrete terms is through significant raises, something that the UFF bargaining team has been negotiating since late last year. For years we’ve been denied raises ostensibly because of the lack of legislative or performance funding. Now is the time for the President and the Board of Trustees to reward an outstanding but drastically underpaid faculty. Prior to the announcement of our ranking first place in the state metrics, President Kelly had already committed to raises based on the $11.6 million already received. The UFF bargaining team has now proposed a 12% raise for faculty over the next three years (4% each year).

Recognizing that everyone wants raises and ASAP, we are trying to move as expeditiously as possible. The collective bargaining team has been meeting sometimes three times a week and on weekends to move this process forward. But please understand that there are other really important issues that have to be resolved besides compensation. For example, we have some concerns over the Sustained Performance Evaluation (aka post-tenure review) and protecting our rights in grievance and tenure processes. We are also negotiating tuition reimbursement for dependents of faculty, something that has been long overdue.

We’ll be meeting with the BOT representatives this Friday at 2:00 in the Provost’s Conference Room. You are invited to attend but, as a courtesy, please let me know in advance so I can assure we have adequate seating.

And please don’t hesitate to let me know your concerns regarding bargaining or any other issue that impacts you at FAU. I can be reached at: you are not a UFF member, I encourage you to join because the more faculty who belong to the union, the more power we have during bargaining to negotiate the raises and other benefits that you deserve.

In Solidarity

Bob Zoeller

UFF-FAU Chapter President