November 3, 2010. “Even Jeb Bush would agree” with FEA’s approach, to “spend money supporting candidates that back public schools, the teaching profession and the rights of workers in our public schools.”

The Florida Education Association and its local affiliates will continue to work to provide adequate resources for our public schools and will continue to work to make sure that the voices of teachers and other education employees are heard and heeded in discussions and proposals on any issue involving our public schools.

·       Unprecedented amounts of money were spent on this election from groups seeking to alter our commitment to public services, including our public schools. Pro-business groups, corporations and conservative groups sought to defeat anyone and anything that was in favor of government’s role in our society.

·       FEA and its local and national affiliates fought hard this election season in support of candidates and initiatives that would bolster support and financing for our public schools. Those on the other side spent their effort weakening our society’s commitment to public schools and seek to provide education on the cheap with little or no government oversight. The results of this election will broaden the educational divide further into those who can afford to educate their children in a high quality environment and those who cannot.

·       It is our duty to represent our members and public schools in a variety of arenas – including the political arena. We did spend money supporting candidates that back public schools, the teaching profession and the rights of workers in our public schools. Even Jeb Bush would agree, when he said: “I think people that are contributors to political causes ought to really be focused on their enlightened self-interest. They should be supporting candidates and parties that share their views.”

·       SB 6 will be back and there’s little to stop it now. Unless a sense of cooperation prevails, political leaders will radically transform the teaching profession without any input from those who teach.

Mark Pudlow, spokesman

Public Policy Advocacy

Florida Education Association

850.201.3223 office

850.508.9756 cell


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